Francisco José Perejón Barrios

Software engineer

I am a graduate in "Computer Engineering. Software Engineering". This degree has instructed me in many varied aspects such as programming which as of today is not only my job but also one of my hobbies.



Final thesis on open source

September 2020 - June 2021

For my final degree project I collaborated with an open source repository (TimeOverflow) and worked with Ruby on Rails and JavaScript. I was lucky enough to have a code reviewer from whom I was able to obtain a lot of feedback. This along with working with a well-formed code helped me to get a good idea of the framework.

Intern at Konecta

May 2021 - November 2021

I worked with Spring and I used Dbeaver to manage several databases. I was more in the back end but I have also done something in the front end.

Full stack at Crisalix

December 2021 - current

I am developing using Ruby on Rails as full stack. The work methodology followed by Crisalix is SCRUM. In the front end we also use a framework developed by them called Ralix, which is a simplification of JavaScript to write less code.

My Projects


I have continued contributing to this open source throughout these years. Lately, it has been a more modest contribution. I also leave the link to their page.


Originally this page was a gift where you had to move on the map with the plane following a series of clues. This page has a lot of JS to move the airplane around the map and detect if it's passing over a certain area.

Telegram forex bot

This bot is hosted on my Raspberry Pi, it uses the Yahoo Finance API and a set of indicators (such as RSI, Bollinger...) to make a selection based on specific criteria. Afterwards, it sends me the best ones via Telegram. I have a cron job set up to analyze every 3 hours on 1-hour candles and another one for daily candles.

Telegram offers bot

This bot is also on my Raspberry Pi. It performs web scraping on the Melia using Puppeteer. It looks at all the locations for the upcoming 4 weekends, updates a JavaScript file with all the sites, commits the updated sites, and then publishes a static page on Vercel with the sites sorted from cheapest to most expensive. It also includes some tools for filtering.

This page

Obviously I’ve also developed this page. This page was started some time ago, so you may notice some things are not quite right, such as programming in Spanish, using let instead of const...

Done before graduating

Don't be too harsh on the code.


The mission of this web application is offering the user the ability of grouping answers from a Google Forms questionnaire taking into account different variables. For example, the user would be able to segregate answers depending on age and favourite season of the year.

Eatsy landing page

I was in charge of developing the entire landing of a web application for a degree subject. The tools I used were NextJS, Bootstrap and Firebase.